Improve Your Photography

When I first started blogging, I knew absolutely nothing about photography. Looking back at some of my very first projects, I cringe at the terrible images that have bad lighting and awkward angles. I quickly learned how important images are for the success of a blog and I’ve been trying to learn as much as I can to improve my photography skills.

How to Improve Your Photography

When I first started blogging, I knew absolutely nothing about photography. Looking back at some of my very first projects, I cringe at the terrible images that have bad lighting and awkward angles. I quickly learned how important images are for the success of a blog and I’ve been trying to learn as much as I can to improve my photography skills.

A source that has been really helpful for me is Craftsy. A friend of mine, who makes jewelry, told me about Craftsy which is an online resource for learning about all kinds of things like cake decorating, knitting, quilting, woodworking, and many other hobbies including photography. Craftsy offers a wide range of tutorials, which are much more interactive than typical tutorials on the web.

Craftsy makes it easy to learn on your schedule, at your pace, and in the comfort of your own home. Once you've enrolled in a Craftsy class, your access to that tutorial is always available and doesn't ever expire so you can watch as many times as you'd like.

Craftsy also lets you be part of a crafty community. Classes are interactive so you can ask questions, share pictures of what you’ve created, see what others have made, and get supportive feedback.
Whether you're a blogger, a parent who wants to take better pictures of your kids, or an amateur photographer wanting to improve your skills (like me), Craftsy will help you learn how to take the perfect photo by learning new techniques and sharpening existing skills.

Craftsy has a large selection of photography classes with topics that include basics of digital photography, understanding light, using Light Room and Photoshop, food photography, travel photography, nature photography, portraits, and more!

Have you taken a Craftsy class before?  What did you think?

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